Aidan's Lonely Voyage

a Podcast similar to Family Feud, but less organized
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Do you enjoy chaos? Do you like cheesy sound effects? Are you a fan of Aidan Gibson’s austrailian accent? If any of these apply to you, Aidan’s Lonely Voyage is the right podcast for you! Aidan’s Lonely Voyage is a podcast with the main focus of having fun. We have a new guest every week, and present them themed trivia for hand-crafted prizes. Tune in for a good time!

THE CREW: Kyle Pyykkonen, Daniel Matthews, and Aidan Gibson 

If this Podcast was a Movie, it would be Space Jam

Here’s why people love us.

Aidan's Lonely Voyage Comments

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Aidan's Lonely Voyage Episode 1: Get to know the Cast!

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1

Aidan's Lonely Voyage Episode 2: Buckheim and the Bee

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1

Aidan's Lonely Voyage Episode 3: Cool Kids play Clash Royale

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1

Aidan' Lonely Voyage Episode 4: Getting Wacky with the Almighty Pickle

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1

Aidan' Lonely Voyage Episode 5: Epic Rap Battles of HELA 9

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1

Aidan's Lonely Voyage Episode 6: One Last Ride

by Aidan's Lonely Voyage | Voyage 1