I’ve been teacher since 1986, educated through Eastern Michigan University. Here are some ways to see what work I’m up to.
Steve Chisnell
English Teacher, Royal Oak High School
School Email | steven.chisnell@royaloakschools.org |
Regular Gmail | steve.chisnell@gmail.com |
W hat am I reading? What do I recommend? What book lists do I keep? Here is a massive pile of lists, reviews, and even essay prompts for classic works. I also keep a list here of authors I have rejected as worthy of publishing! My lists of sources for various projects can also be found here along with recommendations for college reading for students.
I work harder and harder to be environmentally conscious in my work, home, and travels. Everywhere I have traveled, it has been easy to see the impact not just of climate change but of wasteful behavior. Here are lessons I’ve learned, practices I maintain, and goals I struggle to keep, whether in recycling or nutrition and health.