I’ve been teacher since 1986, educated through Eastern Michigan University. Here are some ways to see what work I’m up to.

Steve Chisnell

English Teacher, Royal Oak High School

School Email steven.chisnell@royaloakschools.org
Regular Gmail steve.chisnell@gmail.com


W hat am I reading?  What do I recommend?  What book lists do I keep?  Here is a massive pile of lists, reviews, and even essay prompts for classic works. I also keep a list here of authors I have rejected as worthy of publishing!  My lists of sources for various projects can also be found here along with recommendations for college reading for students.


W ith students and without students, I have been exploring as many places as I can afford.  Here are pages, posts, and pics on the more than 30 countries I have visited.  Model UN and Interact trips are here, along with those supported by grants I’ve received. I’ve traveled on study grants to Cuba, Nepal, India, and Japan.


I work harder and harder to be environmentally conscious in my work, home, and travels. Everywhere I have traveled, it has been easy to see the impact not just of climate change but of wasteful behavior.  Here are lessons I’ve learned, practices I maintain, and goals I struggle to keep, whether in recycling or nutrition and health.


Here are my main published writings online, from my personal blog on culture criticism and travel to my news op-eds and professional essays.