
A Portfolio of Places

Model UN & Interact Service Trip

TBA! A Model UN and Interact Advocacy Trip

To be announced!

This section of the site covers all my larger trips with and without students.  These are only bits and pieces, though!  If you would like to know more about the trips or see more photos, let me know. 

Recent Trip Posts

Pole, Pole

Pole, Pole

STEVE CHISNELL — And then through the too-seldom-parted clouds of this late rainy season, Kili’s silhouette drew itself against the horizon. Tanzania is a country marked by moments like this one, something iconic or mesmerizing,

Tanzania’s History and Togetherness

Tanzania’s History and Togetherness

HENRY SMITH — Modern Tanzanian society cannot be understood without understanding its postcolonial history, which was defined by its experiment in socialism, ujamaa, which is the Swahili word for “collective economics.”

The Common Sense

The Common Sense

LANI CHISNELL — For a first-time traveler to the “developing world,” I’ve struggled not to impose my own values around the definition of the quality of life, but to listen–carefully–and to learn the lessons perhaps I haven’t even considered. But…

Trips to be added:

   1999:     Ireland 2000:  Scotland 2001: Italy/Greece    2002:     Japan    2003:  Alaska, Canada 2003: Hungary 2004: Costa Rica 2005: India and Ladakh 2006: Scandinavia
2007: Dominica     2008:      China     2008:   Iceland 2009: Northern Ireland      2009:      Nepal 2009: American  Road Trip I      2010:       Peru  2011: Cuba & Belize   2012:    Turkey
2013: Guatemala 2013: American Road Trip 2     2014:    Hawaii 2015: Costa Rica 2016: Cuba 2016: Italy 2017: Peru 2018: Tanzania 2019:    Bigfoot Hunt   (Pacific NW)
2020: Eastern Europe

A Random Sampling of Photos

Interested in an Upcoming Trip?

Qualifying students, chaperones, even alumni can join us!