No matter what class you are in (or even if you are not in my classes!), here is a compilation of valuable hints for how to work well as a student. My students are expected to review these pages and posts as their class projects make demands of them.
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How To
This section of posts is everything to do with being successful in my classes, from how to handle classroom behavior to the blended learning component of my course, from Moodle to to all the apps and study tactics that will make you a successful f2f and digital learner. How do you turn in papers? How do you manage time? How do you write an email to me that gets a quick response? Most of these strategies, of course, do not apply just to my courses but for other teachers and university profs and business contacts, as well!
Writing Tips
Writing well–in whatever mode or genre–is a lifelong effort, not something you can solve in a single class. Here are both basics and advanced approaches to writing, whether impromptus, longer academic essays, creative writing, or digital composition. Student samples with discussions will also be here.
Tech Tips
From being successful with the blended learning component of my course or figuring out how to handle a Google Doc or market a video, here are approaches that will make you a successful digital learner. What music can I put on a YouTube video legally? Why won’t my phone connect to Moodle Mobile? What makes a good blog post? Most of these strategies, of course, do not apply just to my courses but for other teachers and university profs and business contacts, as well!
Presentation Tips
No matter what class you take, presenting to the class or to small groups, formally and informally, is a given. Here are ways to make your presentation clear, powerful, and compelling. Death to Powerpoints that replace you as a speaker!