Cryptid Conversations

Exploring the Paranormal...

Welcome to Cryptid Conversations! The podcast diving deep into subjects of the unexplained, strange, and flat out wicked


Cryptid Conversations Podcast Overview:

Episode 1: Ghosts and Ghouls

  • Exploring the possibility of life beyond our very existence by examining personal paranormal experiences and horror film

Episode 2: Dark Magic and Witchcraft

  • Examining events in history centered around the accusing of supposed witches and how fear is largely based by the beholder’s mindset

Episode 3: Extraterrestrial Life

  • Observations made as to why the government is so quick to dismiss any comments made about Area 51 and aliens in general 


Cryptid Enthusiasts:

  • Jacie Walden 
  • Bethany Cherry

Cryptid Comments

14 + 15 =