About the Studio

What is The Perch?
ChizBlogStudent Blogs

Located near Room 105, The Perch Recording Studio was a creation of the freshman class of 2020 and has since grown from four annual programs to over a dozen. Students are welcome to use it for class projects, audio contests, or their own ideas. It’s generally available from 7am to 5pm each day by appointment. 

Need help with making a recording? See our Recording Wiki or contact Mr. Chisnell for ideas. We have:

  • A “fairly isolated” sound room with five independent channel microphones
  • A Zoom H6 Recorder with independent headphones
  • A full 12 channel mixer for Mix-Minus (call in or Skype) recordings and effects
  • Support for audio mixing through Audacity, as needed


Schedule the Studio Here:


What is the image to the right?

The Perch recordings are hosted through Blubrry hosting and listed on iTunes and most other podcast apps you use. Guidance on how to find our recordings is forthcoming.